Friday, July 04, 2008


wiping the floor of memories....the unfortunate child of destiny...the lucky son of i am realising life as it comes..LIFE.ya u heard it talkin about it....u wishd if it were death instead....and it would have been a lot easier..but NO it's life after all which u ve have to fight and not death...So why are we BORN!!!!to DIE or to LIVE..big question HA!!!we are all boen to live the PULSE..move our fingers beween the cords of life..high hopes.. tht may be sumtime gud muziq comes out of ur life too.....the dice have ...rolled..the ringin bells surround meh... eleviate meCOME ON if not u then who????

flashes.holes,red, it was words tht were on fire.........thank thee for being ther wid mee when the is no one else.. we are alone and im lovin it :)

where were u?????'
when i

PS: i was high writing this and could not go any further.


AD said...

Well these or similar questions have haunted me too...specifically in the state that u had achieved...and what i have realized is that it is just the matter of is very much arguable

atul said...

sumtimes its nice to let ur 'disbeliefs' take control of ur mind...i was in such state...

AD said...

like i said b4...u r too much into d balancing act...just let it disbeliefs if u mean unbelievable i agree...who actually has control over your mind by the way?