Tuesday, October 18, 2005


NIHILISM: a system of thoughts which says that there are no principles or beliefs which have any meaning or can be true
well.. Why am i doing this?? i should not..but it's high time i thought upon this..
Why do i feel that the world is in complete mayhem? nothing seems to be going the way it should be.
Is it just me who is suffering or everyone? and yes why do i get pleasure in this pain.
Why do i feel i have conquered the world? the war ended and victory is mine.
Why don't i find a single evil soul on earth and yet claim that the planet is nothing but a gobbet of shit.
Why can't i find logic in the ways of nature? i feel it loves unsymmetry more.
Why do i find oscar wilde more appealing than gandhi??
Why don't i rejoice on births and mourn upon deaths? its so difficult to accept that someone is really governing our world..sum1 who knows when it is the right time to liberate a soul from the body..i really don't take that crap..how could the death of an infant who has not yet seen the world be justified..now i wont buy the concept of rebirth..no sorry i don't beleive in it..
Why can't i write down what i am feeling? the moment is lost. i had so much.now i have nothing.
Why do the answers look like questions to me?
Why am i going on...i should stop.................................

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