Tuesday, October 25, 2005

full OF void

what is my identity?
how am i different than you?
what is it that makes me a seperate entity and you another?
when i gave a thought upon the above questions, i was puzzled.
after much scratching of the grey material in my head i came to this conclusion.
let me imagine this..what if i move all the stuff out of my room...the bed,desk,chair everything
my room is empty with just four walls,a ceiling and a ground and of course air.
now deprive me of air too..leave me in vacuum..what do we have now?
one step more..lets try and remove the space between me and my surroundings too..what would happen..i would collide with the walls,ceiling would touch the ground..in all i would loose my identity..
so thats when i realized that the reason for my existance is the space around me..the volume that encircles me..
if there is no space between you and me..we would be same..may be thats why the universe is expanding too..
at the end of the days..after the armageddon..there would be no space..all of us would collide to form one ultimate soul..may be we would create the almighty..the small god that we all have inside us would unite to generate the supreme power..
this would be a reversal of the BIG BANG and the world would have completed its vicious circle..so till then enjoy the space that you have..

e-summit@iitb( entertainment summit!!)

well i got a reason to go and meet my friend..so why shud i need reasons??
thats b'coz im the laziest soul that god made..i always tend to do things with the minimum work done path..and spent half of my time in searching such paths..
so the entrepreneurship summit was a 2 day affair full of lectures,workshops and competitions related to e'ship..i felt as if junta came searchin for a ready made formula for success...questioning big guns like SUBHASH CHANDRA on how he became so successful?? his reply"hard work, determination,persevarance blah blah blah..."(the honest man did gave 5% credit to luck factor also)..may be that multiplexer mr. shroff was correct in sayin that to be an entrepreneur we need to have a fire burning within ourselves..we shud be self motivated..
whatever it is i will find out once i reach there..i promise to tell u all about it then..
however the purpose was more than fulfilled as i had good time in playing gladiator(the simulation) , boozing and fagging..
i was nostalgic..the memories of MI floats whenever im in iit..missed ad..but also got more determined to relive such moments in near future...may an idol of PLEASURE(murti) also accompany us this time...

p.s. this is the first time im being narcissistic while blogging..may be that is what i need to be to keep my blog alive..AND WHAT ABOUT LIFE??

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


NIHILISM: a system of thoughts which says that there are no principles or beliefs which have any meaning or can be true
well.. Why am i doing this?? i should not..but it's high time i thought upon this..
Why do i feel that the world is in complete mayhem? nothing seems to be going the way it should be.
Is it just me who is suffering or everyone? and yes why do i get pleasure in this pain.
Why do i feel i have conquered the world? the war ended and victory is mine.
Why don't i find a single evil soul on earth and yet claim that the planet is nothing but a gobbet of shit.
Why can't i find logic in the ways of nature? i feel it loves unsymmetry more.
Why do i find oscar wilde more appealing than gandhi??
Why don't i rejoice on births and mourn upon deaths? its so difficult to accept that someone is really governing our world..sum1 who knows when it is the right time to liberate a soul from the body..i really don't take that crap..how could the death of an infant who has not yet seen the world be justified..now i wont buy the concept of rebirth..no sorry i don't beleive in it..
Why can't i write down what i am feeling? the moment is lost. i had so much.now i have nothing.
Why do the answers look like questions to me?
Why am i going on...i should stop.................................

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


well every time AMD(our contol's prof.) talks about cause and effect i feel as if it is the most basic funda of life..all effects are precceded by a cause..voltage-->current,happiness-->laughter,pain-->tears all are effects of some cause...this is the law of science if cause is there an effect will follow..well what if add vice versa to the previous statement..can a cause follow an effect..i had this discussion with one of my uncle..BE THE EFECT AND LET THE CAUSE FOLLOW YOU..sounds weird but it is practically possible..
Current can create potential too that we all know so this is a case of cause-effect interchange..what if we have a tree..we already have millions of seed then..so we se that this forms a loop and so a symbiotic association may exist between cause and effect.
I feel its easier to create the effect because effect depends upon us but cause doesn't.if we create the effect the cause will follow.if we decide to be happy we are releasing ourselves from bondaries of cause.what if i say "I LL BE HAPPY IF I GET A CGPA OF 8" then im depending upon the cgpa(cause).instead i would prefer to act free and will remain happy.the cause is in the surrounding...only if i decide to be the effect the universe would conspire to create the cause.
Now what if i take this theory to another level and start living a lavish life on the lines of Vijay Mallya or L.N.Mittal and hope that the money follows....wat do u say???